Handy Cure S’ : Home devise for pain relief and healing of inflammation

Samuel Edelstein Ph.D.
Professor-Emeritus in Biochemistry
The Weizmann Institute of Science
Rehovot, Israel


The International Association for the study of Pain uses the definition:” Pain is an unpleasant sensory and emotional experience with actual or potential tissue damage”.
Thus, pain is regarded clinically as a symptom of an underling condition.
This underling condition is Inflammation in most cases.


The function of inflammation is to eliminate the initial cause of cell injury, clear out necrotic cells and tissue damage from the original insult of the inflammatory process and to initiate tissue repair.

Handy Cure s’

Handy Cure 2017

Handy Cure S’ is a medical devise designed to combat pain and inflammation for home use.

The devise combines four distinct energies:

1. Low level pulsed infrared laser
2. Infrared light
3. Visible red light
4. Static magnetic field

These four independent therapeutic modalities when combined together in a single devise are affecting synergistically the rapid healing of inflammation resulting in the relief of the pain.

Mode of action

Laser Therapy 2017

As seen in the figure above the outcome of exposing damaged cells to the soft laser light the production of three important molecules associated with healing of inflammation are being enhanced.


ATP is the main energy source for living cells and by increasing its levels the cells are capable of healing inflammation.

ROS at small amounts is stimulating muscle contraction and cell growth.

NO is a potent vasodilator which increases circulation in the inflamed tissue and enhances transport of oxygen and immune cells into the tissue.
This mechanism of action is obtained when exposing cell to soft laser light. High powered laser is not applicable as this type of laser is causing excessive heating of the skin along with upregulation the apoptosis pathway. Soft laser stimulates healing while high powered laser inhibits healing of inflammation.

Adding Magnetic Field to the devise was shown ( H.Friedmann et al, Laser Therapy 18.3:134-141, 2009) to amplify the healing effect of the laser pulse.

The photo-magnetic synergies enhance electron transfer and activation of respiratory chain in the mitochondria which in turn enhance ATP production and cell proliferation. It is not achievable if the laser light or the magnetic field are separated.

Conditions to be treated with the Handy Cure s’

Muscle strain
Carpal tunnel
Muscle tendon pain
Wrist injuries
Shoulder pain
Tennis elbow
Achiles tendon
Ankle pain
All musculoskeletal pain
And more…


The Handy Cure s’ medical devise is a unique home devise for combating pain and healing of inflammations.
Five minutes once or twice a day are sufficient to observe an effect within days, depending on the condition.
The Handy Cure s’ devise is the only devise which utilizes 4 different energies in a synergistic combination which was shown to affect inflamed tissue very effectively.
There are no adverse effects associated with the use of this devise.

one referral from one of the US chiro’s, by Dr. Craig S. Ross, D.C., Developer of Neuro Cranial Integration , CA, USA

“I use the Handy Cure in my chiropractic office for many different conditions. I have used more powerful lasers, more expensive lasers* — but the Handy Cure does a fantastic job on my patient’s conditions. It is easy to use… so easy that some of my patients have purchased ones for home use. I have 350 doctors in my group and many have purchased the Handy Cure to help even the most difficult patients. Powerful, easy to use and inexpensive is a winning combination”.
